2021 Articles

Officers and Trustees Highlight – Keith Lee

The Colorado River Water Users Association is highlighting our Trustees and Officers. Say hello to Keith Lee from the New Mexico Delegation. He lives in Kirtland, New Mexico where he managers the Lower Valley Water Users Cooperative Association.

“I have been managing Lower Valley Water Users since 1978 during that time we have made approxmitatly three million dollars worth of improvements to the system and eliminated all of our debt…I served as a Demolition Expert, Paratrooper and was Honorably discharged…I supervise five other employees in the operation of a domestic water system serving a population of nine thousand individuals. This includes a two million gallon per day surface water treatment plant and fifty nine miles of distribution infrastructure. The Association has an annual budget of $ 1.2 million.” — Keith Lee

Click here to view the Officers and Trustees page from the CRWUA website.