2020 Articles

2020 Colorado River Water Users Association Annual Report

2020 CRWUA annual report cover image

Click here to download the 2020 CRWUA Annual Report and Membership Directory.

Welcome to the 2020 Colorado River Water Users Association annual report.

Everyone associated with CRWUA has experienced a year like no other. While our 2020 annual meeting in Las Vegas has been cancelled, we want to provide our annual report in an effort to maintain a bit of normalcy.

This year’s meeting was to be our 75th anniversary and we were hoping to celebrate with all of you. Instead we will look forward to next year, when hopefully we can meet again in person.

Welcome to the 2020 Colorado River Water Users Association annual report.

From our humble beginnings at the Last Frontier Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip in January 1945, we’ve come a long way thanks to the CRWUA members and efforts of the Board of Directors, and many committee volunteers that make CRWUA function.

As you will read in President John Entsminger’s column, the year started out fairly normal with the Basin states and water users moving Drought Contingency Plan discussions into the implementation stage. The water supply outlook was good for most of the Basin and many CRWUA member organizations were continuing and expanding their conservation efforts and programs.

Then the impacts of COVID-19 hit and moved most of us into survival mode. Offices were shuttered, we learned how to work from home and a new way of doing things became the norm.

Most importantly, our responsibility to manage and deliver an essential water and power supply to more than 40 million people throughout the Colorado River Basin became the most important task.

We hope you can take a few minutes to reflect and congratulate yourselves on a job well done during these unprecedented times of uncertainty.

Please check out the CRWUA website and follow us on Instagram for updates as we head into the new year. We’ll keep you informed on matters associated with the Colorado River Basin throughout the upcoming year.

As President Entsminger says in his closing, we hope to see you all again at our 2021 annual meeting in Las Vegas! The dates are set – Dec. 13-15 – and we’ll be back at Caesar’s Palace for the conference.