2023 Articles

New Mexico

In 2022, the majority of New Mexico counties continue to experience drought conditions, with 90% of the state experiencing extreme to exceptional drought conditions, and current drought patterns that show no signs of changing course.

On Nov. 9, 1922, delegates from the seven Colorado River Basin states negotiated the Colorado River Compact that defined the relationship between the Upper Basin states of Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico and the Lower Basin states of Nevada, Arizona, and California.

These negotiations led to the signing of the Colorado River Compact on Nov. 24, 1922, at the Palace of the Governors in Santa Fe, New Mexico. New Mexico recognizes this 100-year historic achievement as being the first agreement in U.S. history that more than three states negotiated among themselves to apportion the waters of a stream or river. Forward 100 years in time on the same living earth that continues to move through its rhythm of change, be it environmental or population. As we live within what is given, through the seasons of abundance or scarcity, this water supply from the Colorado River still remains an integral part of what is New Mexico. Read more about New Mexico in the CRWUA Annual Report.