December 12-14, 2012
December 12
Optional Tour of the Warm Springs Natural Area
Once Upon a Time in the West – Early Compact Deliberations
- Justice Greg Hobbs, Colorado Supreme Court
Legal Colloquium: Federalism in Practice
Management Colloquium: Succession Planning and Workforce Development for Water Professionals
President’s Reception
December 13
State Breakfasts
- George Arthur, CRWUA President
Business Meeting, Invocation and Flag Ceremony
Video: “Viewpoint of the Ten Tribes”
The Only Constant is Change – Adapting the Law of the River
- Pat Mulroy, General Manager, Southern Nevada Water Authority
Basin States Study: Bridging Gaps Between Supply and Demand
New Perspectives on an Old Compact: Tribal, Environmental and Recreational Viewpoints
Piping Hot: Costs, Benefits and Challenges of Basin Pipeline Projects
Percolation and Runoff
December 14
Mexico Minute Panel
Bureau of Reclamation Report and Discussion
- Michael Connor, Commissioner, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
U.S. Department of the Interior
- Ken Salazar, Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior
Optional Tour of the Las Vegas Wash