The history of water in the Colorado River Basin is varied and interesting. From John Wesley Powell’s 1869 first voyage down the river to the pulse flow in March 2013 when the river reached the Sea of Cortez for the first time in the 21st Century there are many fascinating stories to tell.
Retired Colorado Supreme Court Justice, Gregory Hobbs’ presentation, “Colorado River 101 “A Visit with Justice Hobbs,” will trace the administration of the over-appropriated stream. Hobbs uses the early maps and photos of the Basin to illustrate how events shaped the, “Law of the River,” and the current challenges for diverters and other users. Expect to learn about the Colorado River Compact, Upper Colorado River Compact, and the role of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s big dams, Hoover and Glen Canyon.
Reclamation will be center stage during, “PM Session 1B – Tracking the Waters: The BOR Tribal Water Study,” The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Winters v. United States (1908) clarified Indian water rights but did not quantify them. This issue will permeate discussion in the Basin this century.