2019 Articles

Networking Opportunities at CRWUA’s Annual Conference

Photo from the Bureau of Reclamation showing plywood extensions at the top of a spillway gate and the permanent installation.

Networking opportunities are legion at the CRWUA’s Annual Conference. Converstions in the hallways in between sessions afford attendees a great opportunity to circle back with old friends, make new friends, and meet folks responsible for the administration of the Colorado River and its tributaries. You will find that the conference is unique in its makeup. Nowhere else will you get a chance to talk with individuals from all seven Colorado River Basin states, the 10 tribes along the river, Mexico, USBR, BLM, the International Boundary Waters Commission, various universities doing research in the basin, and the innovative businesses helping water suppliers meet their supply needs while they face a drying future. Many conservation groups also send representatives to the conference to advocate for the environment.

Between now and the conference you can follow along on CRWUA’s Twitter feed: @CRWUA_water and on the Twitter hash tag #CRWUA2019. During the conference CRWUA staff lead live-tweeting during most of the sessions. Participation amongst attendees affords the opportunity to learn what folks are thinking as the sessions unfold. Below are a few screen shots from the #CRWUA2018 hash tag: