2022 Articles


Central Arizona Project canal

Arizona began 2022 in the first-ever declared Tier 1 shortage for Colorado River operations. This resulted in a substantial cut to Arizona’s share of the Colorado River – about 30% of Central Arizona Project’s (CAP’s) normal supply; nearly 18% of Arizona’s total Colorado River supply; and less than 8% of Arizona’s total water use.

Nearly all the reductions within Arizona have been taken by CAP water users. These reductions are implemented pursuant to the CAP priority system – the result being less available Colorado River water for central Arizona agricultural users. The rapidly deteriorating conditions on the Colorado River have made this an eventful year with the announcement regarding risks to infrastructure at Glen Canyon Dam.

This year, Glen Canyon Dam is releasing about 500,000 acre-feet less than was anticipated to Lake Mead. The Lower Basin will still have the ability to recover this water, but it is being left in Lake Powell to protect the ability to move water past Glen Canyon Dam. Read more about Arizona in the CRWUA Annual Report.