December 14-16, 2011
December 14
Colorado River 101: Equalization Implementation
- Terry Fulp, Lower Colorado River Deputy Regional Director, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Engineering & Technology Colloquium: Cyber Security
Legal Colloquium: Tribal Water Issues
Public Affairs Colloquium: Social Networks
December 15
Welcome and Business Meeting
Video Presentation: Connected by the Colorado Connected by Weather
Connected by Preservation – Prairie Waters Project; San Juan River Endangered Fish Species; Central
Arizona Project Recharge
Connected by Purpose – Yuma Wetlands; Recreation; Rural Uses; Native American Tribes
Connected by Boundaries – Perspectives on the Cooperative Binational Discussions; Impacts of the 2010 Mexicali Earthquake, Setting the Stage for Binational Collaboration; Desalting Plant Test Operation & Cooperative Monitoring Program
December 16
Connected by Power: Navajo Generating Station
Secretary of the Interior
- Ken Salazar, Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior
Assistant Secretary for Water and Science
- Anne Castle, Assistant Secretary for Water and Science, U.S. Department of the Interior
Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs
- Larry Echo Hawk, Assistant Secretary–Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior
Bureau of Reclamation Report and Discussion
- Michael Connor, Commissioner, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Closing Remarks